Millennium Challenge 02 and and the Iraq war

Millennium Challenge 02 was the major war game prior to the Iraq war, and it played a role in the planning for the war. For approximately six weeks beginning in April 2003, I extensively researched wrote about this matter and what appears here is the result of that work. This site is another spoke in the Cosmic Wheel (my humble home in the blogosphere).

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Explanation about publication dates and times

The preview and all the posts which appear below it display a publish date of March 25, and after the preview, each post shows a publish time earlier than the post preceding it. This was done so that the posts would appear in proper reading order. The preview and the outline were first published on March 16, but some revisions were made between then and March 25, which is the date the current versions were published. The current versions of the 11 subsequent sections were all posted on March 25 and 26.


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